TSL (Terraced Structured Land) is a structured land system that utilizes an Open Space Frame Design to manufacture property or land. Its ability to utilize 70% less land benefits the objective of reducing inefficient land usages by humans; and affords us ecological contribution via land conversion and returning land back to nature.
Integration with modular systems such as solar paneling also works to benefit green objectives.
The proprietary joint unit of the construct and the methodology of the structured land construction makes the TSL marketable to disaster relief via the utilization of smaller construction members that are easily transportable and transportable without modern day road systems; it is also available to use less-well trained manpower in many aspects of its development.
The Marketing of TSL in renovation and new speculative Real Estate relies on the TSL’s ability to create space suitable to occupancy quality and to establish demand by its green equities along-with its convenience and structural values; The non lot-by-lot linkages of solar paneling for example realizes a universal contribution of gathering energy. Other modular systems that tie-into the structure (Integration) gives each parcel or lot said added green value (rainwater harvesting is an example). Since the consumer will be purchasing a structured land or lot (there already exists structural value); how he/she develops what is to be built on the structured land reduces structural engineering needs and utilizes the structural contribution of the purchased structured land.
The first level above ground is roughly 33 feet high and thus a 5 tiered structure is massive in size. These structured land characteristics can house many occupancies efficiently i.e. Agriculture and its industry (Cannery, Affordable Housing Districts, etc) and innovatively assemble the construction units of said development; once the structured land is built, the insertions of structures are done engaged in the structure itself.
The ability to connect new structured land is also an added component of the TSL; in other words, you can add more structured lands later without disruption to existing everyday on-goings.
Said Integration know-how and software (things built on the structured land) assembly are exciting elements of the TSL and are with proprietary data; it is this working that separates us from normal speculative Real Estate projects.
Forecasting the cost to engage in speculative Real Estate ventures and to financially develop risk management along-with accounting forecasts may be works we produce with the joining of a Venture Capitalist. In laymen’s terms, to build a 5 tier 5 bay TSL, the cost may be around $ millions of dollars with limited Integration; to note, a 5 tier construct is over 150 feet tall and in this case (5 bays) over 640 feet long and 590 feet wide. In short, the total area-wise (footprint) of the example is about 6 football fields and all the structured land therein makes up to roughly 20 football fields.
This unique concept is not new, though it has never been built. The research and studies of structured land began in Japan funded by the Government about 40 years ago (Stratiform Structural Module); though its Joint technology and assembly methods differ, such school of study exists even today (where we are in membership). Tangentially, the research of Urban development using the air rights above railways, and roads and others was a project.
Feasibility in construction management and on through speculative real estate protocols can include associates along-with our joining with venture capitalists; currently, the strength in our Business Plan is in the technology of the Joint. Construction and Permit Attainment efforts are without tangible real life cost risks; nor do we have any cost exposure in Speculative Real Estate Sales staff.
Inefficient use of land by humans may be a major contributor to today’s ecological concerns and may even be a root problem; the ability to attack this problem while developing a greater gain in land by integration sees real equities to the landowner all the while benefiting green objectives.
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